Nexabiotic Probiotics for Cats Diarrhea Treatment Supplement, 30 Doses

Nexabiotic Probiotics for Cats Diarrhea Treatment Supplement, 30 Doses
Nexabiotic Probiotics for Cats Diarrhea Treatment Supplement, 30 Doses
Nexabiotic Probiotics for Cats Diarrhea Treatment Supplement, 30 Doses
Nexabiotic Probiotics for Cats Diarrhea Treatment Supplement, 30 Doses
Nexabiotic Probiotics for Cats Diarrhea Treatment Supplement, 30 Doses
Nexabiotic Probiotics for Cats Diarrhea Treatment Supplement, 30 Doses
Nexabiotic Probiotics for Cats Diarrhea Treatment Supplement, 30 Doses

Regular price $17.37 Sale

  • 23 probiotics in 1 easily administered capsule for cats
  • Pre-dosed capsules can be administered whole or emptied into food
  • Mixes easily and is flavorless - No messy dosing needed!
  • Clinically shown to reduce the duration of diarrhea. Supports regular bowel movements and feline digestive health
  • 30 doses per bottle, Made in the USA with Human-Grade ingredients

Nexabiotic® Probiotics for Cats Diarrhea Treatment

Cats have a hearty digestive system that allows them to eat a lot of things that humans may not be able to handle. Still, cats are susceptible to the occasional stomach bug that can lead to various digestive problems, including diarrhea.

This is where probiotics for cats can come into play, and Nexabiotic® Probiotics for Cats offers an effective solution for helping to reduce diarrhea and supporting your cat’s digestive health.

What are Probiotics for Cats

Much like humans, cats have a complex biome of microorganisms in their digestive systems. The beneficial bacteria within your cat’s gut are known as probiotics. Creating the right balance of probiotics can help your cat stay healthy. Probiotic supplements, like Nexabiotic® Probiotics for Cats, offer the easiest means of providing your cats with these beneficial bacteria in pre-measured doses.

The Benefits of Probiotics for Kittens and Cats

Probiotics offer a wide range of potential health benefits for cats of all ages. Most prominently, probiotics are believed to help support a healthy gut and digestion, which includes reducing symptoms of:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stool changes1

In one study on 217 cats and 182 cats living in a shelter the probiotic Enterococcus faecium was found to reduce the duration of diarrhea in cats.5

Probiotics may also help to reduce inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease in cats by interacting with the immune system.2 Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to a group of gastrointestinal disorders that involve an abnormal immune response in the gastrointestinal tract. Like IBD in humans, IBD in cats involves changes to the population of probiotics in the gut. Symptoms of the disease often include diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and vomiting.3

Research also suggests that your cat’s immune system is closely linked to their gut health. Probiotics may help your cat absorb nutrients from food and eliminate harmful bacteria, both of which can contribute to a more active, consistent immune system.4

Why Choose Nexabiotic® Probiotics for Cats?

In order to get the most out of a probiotic for cats with diarrhea, you want to choose one that has a high number of colony forming units (CFUs), which essentially measures the amount of active bacteria. Nexabiotic® Probiotics for Cats Diarrhea Treatment offers 17.25 billion† CFUs in every capsule, ensuring that your cat gets an effective dose.

Not only is dosage important but the diversity of probiotics is as well. The best probiotics for cats should contain different probiotics, not just one because not all probiotics provide the same benefits. Each Nexabiotic® Probiotics for Cats capsule contains 23 different probiotics, including:

  • Saccharomyces boulardii
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Bifidobacterium animalis lactis (formerly Bifidobacterium infantis)
  • Bacillus subtilis
  • Streptococcus thermophilus
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG)

The pre-dosed capsules allow for easy administration. Give your cat a whole capsule for best results or sprinkle the capsule’s contents into your feline’s food. The formula is flavorless and mixes easily, so you do not have to worry about messy dosing. Each capsule also features a unique delayed release that protects the contents from stomach acids until it reaches the most neutral point of the small intestine, ensuring that the probiotics survive and thrive. There is no other probiotic formulation like Nexabiotic® to support regular bowel movements and promote general feline health.

†Potency at time of manufacture.



Customer Reviews

Based on 132 reviews
Deneen Buswell
Great product!

I use this for my CKD kittie who can get diarrhea and it works really well at eliminating that and keeping her flora healthy!

Helping all three of my cats

I have a cat that has had giardia twice despite being fully indoor, clean food/water, and washed bowls daily. I’ve also been giving this to my other two cats as preventative precaution. My holistic vet said that saccromyces boulardii helps prevent this along with traditional medication if/when needed. I like that the strain of probiotic is first on the ingredient list. I felt like such a bad pet parent; but my vet thinks that the cat that had it got it from the shelter where we adopted her as a kitten despite having dewormer meds there. The vet told me it can stay dormant in their system for months at a time and then reinfect again. Hopefully my baby girl stays in the clear now🤞. My other cat has some IBS symptoms sometimes, and I find this helps him as well. Obviously the company can’t make medical claims; but hopefully this helps someone else! I do wish more capsules came in the bottle, as with three cats given this daily I go through quite a few bottles. The positive is that they all easily started taking it. I started with 1/4 capsule(powder mixed into food) and now they all eat the capsules whole mixed into their dinner wet food meals. No tummy upsets at all for any of my fur kids. They will probably be on this long term unless my vet thinks otherwise.

This was my Hail Mary pass!

My 1.5-year-old cat, Millie, suddenly had a bout of unexplained diarrhea that lasted nearly three weeks. As a first-time cat owner, I was extremely stressed out, and nothing seemed to help.

I panicked and did some research on cat probiotics. One ingredient that kept popping up again and again was Saccharomyces boulardii, which the majority of supplements don’t contain.

Millie is also incredibly picky and can detect even the slightest change in taste. Slipping something into her meal just wasn’t going to work, and I don’t yet have the capability or experience to pill or syringe-feed her every day.

This was my last-ditch effort, and I was nervous about adding it to her wet food, worrying that she might reject it. However, she hasn’t noticed it for the past month, so I can confidently say that this product either tastes good to cats or has no taste at all.

This seems to be the only probiotic on the market that checks all of my boxes: it’s effective, reasonably priced, and my cat actually takes it without an issue.

This probiotic has become a staple in Millie’s meals every day, and I plan to keep her on it long-term. It seems to only be helping her, not harming her, and the vet recommended that she stay on a probiotic for life. Her trips to the bathroom have been consistently normal, and for that, I am relieved and incredibly grateful.


Great formula

I adopted my cat recently and he started having issues with diarrhea after being adopted and having his food switched. I started adding this to his food and it has been great! I plan on including this in his diet for the foreseeable future to continue keeping his gut going the way it is currently.

Secilie Joiner-Truong
Good formula

Shipped quickly. Love the formula, definitely has helped my cat's tummy troubles.