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5 Hormonal Acne Supplements for Clear Skin in 30 Days

hormonal acne supplements

Acne remains the most common skin condition in the country, and it comes in a variety of different forms. One of which is hormonal acne. Hormonal acne is not only damaging to the skin but also mental health. Good thing there are ways to support skin health and achieve clearer skin. Read on to learn more on how to select the best supplements for acne and learn more about hormonal acne natural treatment.

Hormonal Acne Supplements for Clear Skin

  1. DrFormulas Hormonal Cystic Acne Supplement
  2. SmokyMountain Nutrition DIM
  3. Murad Pure Skin Supplement

What is Hormonal Acne?

Hormonal acne is a result of hormonal imbalances and fluctuations. It is most common in late adolescent and adult women, though it can occur in some men. Where teenage acne tends to go away at the end of puberty, hormonal acne is far more persistent, occurring over the course of several years.

What Does Hormonal Acne Look Like?

Hormonal acne also presents a different distribution pattern than other types of acne. Typical acne centers on your face’s T-zone (the forehead and the nose) and your cheeks. Hormonal acne more often appears along the jawline and chin. Furthermore, hormonal zits are generally more cystic in nature, growing much deeper in the skin than whiteheads and blackheads. This hormonal cystic acne also tends to be more painful and inflamed.

What Causes Hormonal Acne?

As mentioned, hormonal acne is caused by imbalances in your hormones. This most notably comprises an excess production of androgen hormones, which are the male sex hormones like testosterone. High androgen levels can be attributed to a variety of health factors.

Fluctuations in hormonal balance can be caused by a variety of factors, including certain underlying medical issues. Diseases that cause a hyper-androgen state can also contribute to hormonal acne, along with oily skin, hirsutism, hair loss, irregular menstrual cycles, and weight gain.

5 Vitamins for Hormonal Acne

Supplements for hormonal acne can support hormonal balance. They can also reduce inflammation which plays a central role in producing red, inflamed, and irritated acne lesions. Here are some of the best natural acne remedies.

  1. DIM

In one study, 38 male rats were split into four different groups. The control group received corn oil, while the other three received varying amounts of DIM for a study period of 53 days.

In the study DIM at 10 mg/kg (a dose of 700 mg for the average 70 kg man) slightly lowered testosterone levels from 4.77 ng/mL in control subjects to 3.81 ng/mL. It also lowered estrogen levels from 8.00 pg/mL in controls to 4.56 pg/mL. That dose did not affect sperm growth or testicular tissue. DIM at 10mg/kg also lowered the number of androgen receptors expressed in testicular and prostate tissue.

This suggests that DIM may actually have androgen blocking affects at lower doses.2 This effect could be utilized to lower acne-causing androgen levels for hormonal acne.

To reduce acne-causing inflammation we recommend taking concentrated turmeric extract, fish oil, and probiotics.

  1. Turmeric

Many people take turmeric supplement for acne. The compounds found within turmeric with therapeutic properties are called curcuminoids. Curcuminoids act by inhibiting the NF-kappa B signaling cascade.3 In rats induced with arthritis, turmeric extract administered via injection into the abdominal cavity (intra-peritoneal injection) inhibited the inflammation response and joint destruction in a dose-dependent manner.7

Studies in humans using turmeric have been promising. In a systematic review and meta-analysis, researchers systematically reviewed randomized clinical trials involving the use of turmeric and curcumin-enriched extracts in the treatment of arthritis symptoms. The search yielded 29 results, eight of which met the researchers’ specific criteria. In three of the studies, turmeric use showed statistically significant reductions in pain visual analog scores (PVAS) compared to placebos.

Furthermore, five of those studies showed compared PVAS scores between turmeric and traditional pain medications and found there to be no significant difference. These studies found turmeric to be as effective as traditional pain medications such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, and glucosamine at reducing PVAS scores.7

  1. Fish Oil

Fish oil also has its own benefits for inflammation. Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which aren’t metabolized to pro-inflammatory metabolites (prostaglandins) by cyclooxygenase enzymes like other fats are. Fish oil actually inhibits cyclooxygenase enzymes enzymes.8

Meta studies analyzing multiple clinical studies of fish oil in humans have found benefits in fish oil consumption for inflammation caused by the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis. Multiple studies have found that the use of fish oil lowered the number of tender joints and duration of morning stiffness after 3 months.9

  1. Probiotics

Probiotics are another good supplement to take for inflammation. Probiotics are beneficial gut microbes that interact with the gut immune system and lower systemic inflammation. Interestingly, children that are administered probiotics at an early age reduce their chances of developing atopy (a cluster of diseases that include eczema, asthma, and allergies) by ½ (46% in placebo treated children versus 23% in probiotic treated children).10

Probiotics can also reduce the inflammation associated with acne. Acne patients demonstrated an 80% improvement after the administration of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus probiotics.11

Probiotics can also be used along with traditional acne treatments for better results. One study found that patients using probiotics with minocycline had less total acne lesion counts compared to the groups using either treatment alone.12

What’s the best way to get more probiotics? One study found that daily consumption of a Lactobacillus probiotic supplement was more effective than fermented milk in improving acne.13 While probiotic drinks like kefir offer a tasty way to consume probiotics, a more potent dose can be achieved with the right probiotic supplement. 

  1. Zinc

We’ve written about zinc before. There are 6 studies that show how zinc supplements for acne helps. In summary, people with acne tend to have a zinc deficiency and zinc supplementation may reduce acne by up to 50 percent.

We’ve taken all this research and formulated DrFormulas Dermatrope Healthy Skin Support which contains these ingredients but keep in mind that supplements are just one remedy for hormonal acne. Proper hygiene, diet and exercise will help as well.

What Causes Hormonal Acne?

  1. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

One of the most common disorders that contribute to acne is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).  PCOS is a hormonal disorder in women of reproductive age, PCOS is characterized by irregular periods and small collections of fluid (known as follicles) appearing on the ovaries and preventing them from properly functioning.1 PCOS leads to excessive estrogen production which gets converted into testosterone, causing acne and hirsutism (increased facial and body hair).

  1. High Levels of Androgens

Androgens are hormones associated with maleness such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). High androgen levels drive greater oil production in the sebaceous glands which contributes to clogged pores and acne.

  1. Insulin-Like Growth Factors

Insulin-like growth factors are a type of hormone released in response to glycemic load and designed to regulate aspects of metabolism. However, high levels of insulin-like growth factors can contribute to overactive oil glands and cystic acne. Insulin-like growth factor levels may have a potential connection to factors in your diet, including sugar, dairy products, and processed foods.4

How to Control Hormonal Acne

As hormonal acne often comes from an underlying issue affecting your hormone levels, finding a hormonal acne treatment can be difficult without the assistance of a dermatologist or specialist. However, you can potentially keep your hormonal acne under control with some simple steps.

  1. Diet and Exercise

The link between diet and acne is clear. High glycemic index foods cause spikes in blood sugar, insulin, and IGF-1. The levels of IGF-1 are correlated with acne. Ways to reduce spikes of these hormones is to reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates. Avoid sugary beverages and dairy as the sugars in these foods are absorbed easily by the body.

Instead, you should opt for whole grains instead of refined grains that have all the fiber taken out. Fiber increases the amount of time food has to be processed before it can be absorbed.

Along with diet, make sure you maintain a regular exercise routine. Exercise helps your body burn off excess sugars. There is a known connection between stress and acne, and exercise can play an important role in managing stress and reducing its potential negative health effects.6

  1. Good Skincare

Skincare is your first line of defense against acne. It can help to control oil production at your skin’s surface, treat breakouts, and eliminate dirt, grease, bacteria, and other irritants that may exacerbate existing acne. There are countless skincare products on the market, but you only need to focus on some basic elements:

  1. A basic, neutral cleanser
  2. A fragrance-free, non-comedogenic (will not clog pores) moisturizer (ideally with retinol)
  3. A non-greasy sunscreen, especially a sunscreen containing a physical barrier like zinc oxide

Any other elements are up to your own discretion. For example, you can incorporate an alcohol-free toner, like witch hazel, into your daily regimen. You can also use an over-the-counter topical acne treatment such as benzoyl peroxide. You generally want to avoid most peels and mask and anything containing alcohol, which will dry out and irritate your skin, exacerbate existing acne, and potentially cause damage to your skin’s surface.

It’s important to mediate your expectations and understand that skincare on its own probably will not solve your hormonal acne as it will not address the underlying issue. However, a daily skincare routine performed twice a day can help you better control your acne and prevent breakouts.

  1. Over-the-Counter Treatments

You can find a wide range of over-the-counter topical creams, gels, and serums that may directly help to treat acne. The three most common are:

  • Benzoyl peroxide, which is designed to eliminate acne-causing bacteria
  • Salicylic acid, which helps to expedite the sloughing of dead skin cells while soothing inflamed skin
  • Retinoids, which work by unclogging pores, removing dead skin cells, and potentially reducing the appearance of acne scars


Read next: The Anti-Acne Diet – 30 Days to Clearer Skin


  4. Siver, R. H. "Lactobacillus for the control of acne." J Med Soc New Jersey59 (1961): 52-53.